
Super Mario Sunshine Individual Level Speedruns: Accurate Leaderboard Viewer

The data here is frozen to 2023/07/01.

This app displays leaderboards for SMS ILs that strive towards accuracy, loosely as described in this manifesto. The data is also viewable in tabular form here (where there is also a link to the ruleset and other info) and as raw JSON here. It's synthesised by a tracker that monitors two sources: 1, 2. You can submit your own ILs to the second source.

Here are some tips for fluid use of this app.

URL Navigation

Aside from the menu buttons, you can go straight to a leaderboard by adding its code to the main URL, after a #. E.g.:

These codes are formed from the short codes in the level menu and full player/aggregate group names (spaces become _ and non-alphanumeric/_/./-/+/* characters become -); navigate to your desired page via the menus to check the code in the address bar.

Navigating back/forward in the browser flicks through your visited leaderboards, but your sorting settings and last-viewed leaderboards on inactive tabs persist.


Any player or level can be clicked to go to an individual leaderboard.


Sortable columns will show up when hovering or holding down their headers. Click them to sort by that column.


Set the scoring algorithm for aggregates (overall leaderboards) in the ⚙️ settings menu. The options are:

Video Cutoffs

These show on the level leaderboards as coloured horizontal lines. Any time at least as good as the worst time above the line likely needs a video.

Note Link Formatting

Valid URLs in notes are converted to clickable links; links in the format [text](link) are converted to clickable links with custom text. All URLs must include http(s):// to be detected.

Beware that custom text links require iOS 16.4+ or Desktop Safari 16.4+ to render. Other browsers work as long as updated since August 2020.

Certain characters (./@/:/;) are excluded if they appear at the end of a URL; if you need them included, appending a # to the URL usually works.

Copying Notes

To view notes, hover over (desktop) or tap (iOS) the 📝 emoji. To copy them, drag your mouse straight up (if desktop), then single-click the note.

Why Times New Roman on iOS?

Apple does what it wants.

Aggregates (Overall Leaderboards)

These sum scores across a selectable group of levels. The n and v columns count number of submitted levels and videos respectively.

Certain pairs of levels (listed below as version pairs) have only the higher counted for points (or lower for rank-based scores) wherever they are included, but medals count them individually. A ' mark in an n/v column means that person has submitted both versions of a pair, in which case the number itself only includes one of them.

Certain levels (listed below as medalless levels) are not counted in medal columns, but are counted in all other metrics.

Level Details

(this section should load from the data)

this app was made by shoutplenty (code: v2.1)